Tuesday, November 04, 2008

When I was a little girl, I remember my mom packing us all in to the "Family Squire" station wagon or the Caddy or "B heart U" (as my friends liked to call our mini van with the BYU bumper sticker...the one with the heart around the Y one the back) and we would drive to the Greek Orthodox Church....where she would drag "the three little one's" (that's me, Johnny and Lisa) in with her...... so that she could cast her vote. This event took place every election year. On the way there and on the way home, my mom would talk about why it was important to vote and she would tell us that someday......when we grew up, we too would have the opportunity to vote. She would always mention something about "this wonderful country that we live in" and how blessed we were to be Americans and to have the many freedoms that we have enjoy. As I was driving to cast my vote......I thought of my mom and the wonderful example she set for me over the years, which has always reminded me of my right and my duty to vote. As I walked in the Southeast Christian Church, I passed lots of friends before I made it to the little lady at the desk with the big book! She opened the book to the page with the other last names that began with HUT...and she looked and looked for my name. She said....."do you see your name on here?" I looked carefully at the list and said, "I don't......but THERE IS MY MOM AND MY DAD and LOOK, here are their signatures..... they've already been here....they've already voted." I was actually even a little emotional......and extremely grateful for incredible parents who have taught me throughout my life...by their EXAMPLE. The sweet lady at the desk looked at me and said, "Dear...it looks like you are at the wrong polling location...here is where you need to go!" So I got back in my car and headed for the Southeast Baptist Church, just up the road. As I drove, I thought about how grateful I was to be an American and for the democratic process. Entering the church I offered a silent prayer of graditude for the many freedoms that I enjoy and especially for the opportunity to vote in this election year. I prayed that I would make the best choices that would allow me to continue to enjoy the blessing that I do now. I knew that I was at the right place when I saw my neighbor Shirley, sitting at the desk with the big book right in front of her. "Crazy Shirl" quickly found my name and handed me my special voting card. Once again......I was a little emotional....so grateful for so many things... Of course it also crossed my mind that this is the last time for ETERNITY that I would vote as Amy Hutchins and that the next time I vote......I will be "Amy W." and I will probably have my "three little ones" with me and I will be teaching them the same important lessons my mom taught me! Thanks MOM! This is the church my mom voted at when I was little!

3 ___Post a Comment Here! (I love comments!!!):

C*K*J said...

Aimo- I loved this post!! We really are so lucky and so blessed. You are going to be such a great mom to those 3 kids! Just like Nan!

Reid and Christine Family said...

Hay just to let you know we changed the url on our blog to: www.reidandchristine.blogspot.com

What is it, like 10 more days?!!!!

Josh said...

Aim, that's so sweet! I just read it today!! We are so lucky to have such a wonderful mom who taught us so much through her example! I can't wait to see you mothering those three beautiful children. I know you're going to be amazing because I've watched in awe as you've mothered my children and our neices and nephews. I love you Amy Hutchins!!