Sunday, February 11, 2007

To My Secret Valentine........

Well.....apparently I have a secret admirer........I don't know who he or she is, but I would like to thank them....whoever they are for making my day.....TWO days in a row. It's been an interesting where I am very greatful to have received a little note from someone who thought of me. I received this note today. Not a whole lot of clues from the mystery person. Yesterday I returned home from the movies to find a little box of Jujy Fruits on my door step. I wasn't sure they were for me......but then I saw that someone had actually written my name on the tiny box. Just one problem, they forgot to write their name! Whoever you are....THANK YOU! xoxoxo

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Holly said...

I think someone has the hots for you. It could be so many boys it is hard to imagine who it actually is. I truly wish I could say it was one of my boys but... I am not that good of a mom to do that. So sorry. I still love you to pieces and so do my kids.How about the jujy fruits. I love them but never buy them. I don't think my "old lady" teeth could handle them anymore. You are young and full of life though. Love you!!!!!