Sunday, February 11, 2007


I am pretty sure the worst place you can possibly spot a spider is in your bathroom....just as you step in to the shower! Imagine my dismay when I saw, what appeared to be a trianchula only about two feet away from my foot. I was defenseless...except for a bottle of hairspray!!!!
The spider has gone the way of it's maker and I am safe at home once again!

2 ___Post a Comment Here! (I love comments!!!):

Josh said...

I am so sorry! I may not be able to look at your blog now for a while because that picture makes me sweat! I have to skip the "s" page in one of Katie's alphabet books because there's a picture of a spider for "s".

I'm just glad you were brave enough to send him back to his maker!! I think I would have just stopped using that bathroom!!

Anonymous said...

You know, the last time I saw a black widow was when it was crawling up the inside of our front door!!!! Scary. Now, once again Lisa, you can run away from spiders. You are faster than them. It's the bees that want to hurt you and will chase you as you run hysterically screaming for miles, or at least around the living room.