Sunday, February 18, 2007

Things that made me smile today.......

  • Enjoying Sunday dinner with my parents. There aren't many left before they go on their mission.....and so I am happy that I had today!

  • Coloring get through church! (Miss you Tambo)

  • Getting a phone call from my brother Johnny.

  • Seeing a friend get a much needed blessing.

  • Standing next to Harold in Church and singing the "Star Spangled Banner" as if we were singing it at a Jazz game.
And.....a new feature here on my blog.......AWKWARD MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Discovering my x-boy friend tickling his fiance's back, four rows in front of me at the movies last night. I give that 3.5 awkward stars, out of a possible 5 stars! I'll see if I can't beat that this week! (I hope that I don't!)

2 ___Post a Comment Here! (I love comments!!!):

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had your uncomfortable moment last night. I am the Queen of uncomfortable moments. My favorite which I have to laugh outloud at was when I was absent mindedly singing "I Stand All Amazed" in Relief Society until I looked up and saw my friend waving frantically at me trying to get me to stop because I was singing during someone's solo!!! NICE. Please feel free to share all uncomfortable moments, they are welcome and loved.

the New Mom said...

Look KJ.....I know it's you! Come clean and maybe you can move past this! I'd give you more sympathy have a great the sisters in your ward got lucky that day! Buy one get one free!